She was always meant to be the One!

She was always meant to be the one.

She didn’t know that, she didn’t think that, she didn’t even dream that,
That someday, at some point, she would meet someone.
Someone who believe, someone who trusted
Someone who would accept her,
Accept her for who she was.

And yet, she was always meant to be the one!

She believed that she didn’t deserve it, deserve him.
After all, how could she?
He was a knight in shining armour,
And she, she was neither fit to be a princess,
Nor fit to be a hand-maiden.

She was ordinary, average and that was all she had always been!
No Knight in shining armour would change that.

And yet, to him, she was nothing short of breath-taking!

As hard as he tried to show her how much,
How much she truly meant to him,
She always kept him and hand-width afar.

She barricaded her heart with wall,
And she turned a deaf ear to his please.
He knew her heart was broken, and all he wanted,
All he ever wanted was to help,
Help mend her heart anew.

He knew he could keep her happy,
But only if she let him.
And only if she believed as well,
Believed that, She was always meant to be the One!

She was always meant to be the One!
She was always meant to be the One!

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