The Lady in Front of Her!

It was hard to believe possible,And yet, there she stood,A woman like no other, A girl with a flair,The Lady in Front of her! Years of thoughts and baggage,Belief of what was true beauty,All shattered into pieces,For true beauty had finally revealed itself,The Lady in Front of her! A grace that stole your breath,The elegance... Continue Reading →

That Little Step to Success!

I've had several instances in life where I've ended up desolated. Just pushed to a chapter with no clarity. And I'm confident that several of you have as well. There are unfortunately too many instances in life where things don't go the way we want them to. You could've invested all of your efforts into... Continue Reading →

No Matter What, Pick Yourself Up!

Life always has an annoying way of throwing something you never expect, at you. In fact, the more you don't want something, the more the chances that it does, and that too, when you least expect it. It could be something as simple as meeting someone who has an emotional effect on you. Or, it... Continue Reading →

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